Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 2 - Day 1


SO with the end of a great week is the beginning of an even greater week to come, and today proved to be just that. Woke up this morning had an awesome egg white and toast breakfast then when lunch came around I had my awesome healthy pizza cheat meal, was awesome! The workout today was also great, but quite tough at the same time. The hardest part of the workout was definately the dive bomber pushups and the blank. Those two always kill but you feel really great once they are done!

HIIT tomorrow as usual and man I can't wait, gonna stick with the Tabata style HIIT training for this week, when I get bored of the old Tabata I'll probably start doing something like hill sprints or summin of that nature, they definatelt kick your arse.

Monday is my weigh in day and today it was succesful, lost a total of 1.5kg this week, which is mainly water weight but it's a step in the right direction. As the weeks go on things will start to even out....niiice!

Take it easy, but not to easy


Unknown said...

Hey, I just started the 16 week training yesterday (Monday) so I'll be following this blog to see how you get on (although from what I've read your fairly advanced at HIIT). I'd be happy if you could send any recipies my way too, if it wouldn't be a problem of course. I think you have my email from this post?

Great write-ups so far, I'll definetly be following along ;)

Steve said...

Hey there seachmall, not sure if that is your real name or not, correct me if im wrong :) Thanks for taking an intererst in my blog, appreciate it. I will updating it almost daily so thats kinda kewl.

I'm more than happy to send you any recipes you want, just name the ones you want and they'll be yours. HIIT isn't complicated at all, all you hae to do is get your heart racing and push yourself to the limit really, thats it!

I'll be following your blog as well, looking forward to seeing your progress. Best of luck for the challenge

Stay Strong

Steve said...

P.S I didnt get your email address from the post and when I click on your blog it says that its not visible to the public. You might wanna check that out

All the best

Unknown said... is the email.

I'm liking the sound of the honey and mustard baked chicken breasts. I've been eating grilled breasts for the last couple of days and they're getting pretty boring :(

Seachmall is just a handle I use online, its not my real name and I don't have a blog set up. I'm writing my own one at the moment (I'm a programmer) and hope to have it up in a couple of weeks. I'll be keeping reports of my workouts though so I can blog them when I get it up.

I joined sixpackattack aswell so I'll probably post some questions there when I think of them. Its how I found your blog and its nice to see a supportive community because God knows I'll be needing it :P

Anonymous said...

STEVE!?! Wassssssup?

Finally had a chance to read through your entire blog, looking good my friend, looking good!

I know what you mean about the body detoxing, mine is (in a way) going through that too as i have seriously cut down on the amount of sugar in my diet. First week was hell, now i feel better than ever!

Keep up the hard work and keep us updated.


Steve said...

Wassup seachmall and Sean!

Thanks for taking an interest in my blog, greatly appreciate it. I will be keeping it updated so be sure to check it out whenever you get a chance

seachmall that honey and mustard chicken is pretty simple, just take 2tbsp Dijon mustard, 2 tsp parsley, 1 tbsp honey and a dash of olive oil. Miz it all up, spread it on your chicken breasts and bake at 180 degress celcius for 15 mins or so..


Unknown said...

Thanks man. I was just on holidays and really f*cked up the diet and work out (gym was closed in the hotel:-( ) so I'm starting my diet again tomorrow and the workout on Monday. Kinda sucks as I should be on week 3 but it needs to be done.