Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 1 - Day 3


Today was an interesting day, did my work as usual, little bit of studying here and there. That was all normal then I did my workout and about half way through my workout my body just couldn't perform, it's a wierd feeling, its like a combination of sugar low and intense fatigue... quite strange. So I unfortunately had to cut my workout short (had only 2 more sets ) had replenish my energy with some healthy clean complex carbs and protein. Basically the aim if the game at this stage is to listen to your body and if its telling you to feed it u better feed it ( with healthy food) before things spiral downward.

I think the main reason that this happened is because I my last meal was quite awhile before my workout and my body has to also try and get used to all this healthy food again (detox). I'm gonna sort this out tomorrow by waking up early so that I can get all my 6 meals in and nicely spaced out so that I can totally just own the workout... looking forward to that. Got HIIT tomorrow again and it's gonna be awesome. U really can't beat a good cardio session!

SO thats it for today... join me tomorrow for my next training update

Train Hard, but also train smart!


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